▼ src | |
▼ dbus | |
mpris-service.hpp | |
test-service.cpp | |
▼ dirsort | |
inode_mapper.hpp | |
rbtree.hpp | |
songmap.hpp | |
taglib_parser.h | A header file for the TagLibParser class and Metadata structure, used to parse metadata from audio files |
test.cpp | |
▼ helpers | |
helper_test.cpp | |
levenshtein.hpp | |
trie.hpp | |
▼ music | |
audio_playback.hpp | |
▼ network | |
client.cpp | |
protocols.h | |
server.cpp | |
▼ parser | |
toml_parser.hpp | |
▼ signal | |
signalHandler.hpp | |
▼ threads | |
thread_manager.hpp | |
workers.hpp | |
▼ ui | |
▼ components | |
▼ libs | |
tiv_lib.cpp | |
tiv_lib.h | |
image_view.cpp | |
image_view.hpp | |
scroller.cpp | |
scroller.hpp | Implementation of a custom Scroller component for FTXUI |
▼ states | |
state.hpp | |
colors.hpp | |
keymaps.hpp | |
misc.hpp | |
properties.hpp | |
ui_handler.hpp | |
arg-handler.hpp | |
cmd-line-args.hpp | |
main.cpp | |
run_webassembly.py |